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Based on recent exposure I’ve had to how to make Biblical decisions, I think the aura of a “calling” is frequently a result of mystical approaches to decision making. I agree with you that it becomes a trump card.

There are still good uses of it…I think term used when a church hires a pastor is that they “call” the pastor (even if they use email raspberry). But I am very hesitant if someone announces their calling…what’s the point they’re trying to make?

Ah, I had forgotten the Baptist method of “calling” pastors or other ministers. When that takes place in a church which does not believe God converses with the individual in modern times, I am very skeptical about the usage. More often than not (from what I have seen), it means that the elders of a church are confirming what the person already thinks.

The definition and purpose of a “calling” has influenced a larger portion of my life than I am willing to elaborate on publicly. There are legitimate purposes, and I do believe that God does move people in specific directions. The problem is that many blow it out of proportion or misuse it.

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