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Just curious what one example is of an opposing view you too from Isaac Newton? I’m also vaguely worried that I’m being too consistent about posting comments on your blog, but I should be over that by tomorrow.

I will get back to your other comments soon—just can’t spend 24/7 replying to everyone. ^_^

The publishing company asked for a short review so this book did not get the depth that I normally try to give. Isaac Newton did not believe in the trinity. He argued against gravity as the cause of a planet’s elliptical orbit around the sun (or the moon around the earth) for a long while. He disliked the time that it took to explain his knowledge to other people.

I am still in awe. Among other things, he solved a math problem in 12 hours that other leading mathematical minds of his day required more than two months to solve.

Thanks for the additional details; those whet my appetite to read the book.

I proved I wasn’t hopeless on the reply-to-everything. I read several other entries last night without uncontrolled use of the comment button and I think I even let one of your comments have the last word this morning. raspberry

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