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I have other problems with that song, but I’ve never thought about that aspect of it, before.

Well…’s like that idea is incomplete. It only tells half and it’s probably more the poetic way of dealing with it.  It’s true Jesus LIVES and He’s ALIVE now, but he did come to lay down His life at the proper time. And, the scripture you pointed out He picked it back up again.

Death was necessary, but the resurrection is even more important for our salvation. From the words of Paul:

I Corinthians 15:13: And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain.

it’s still true in a way that He lived to die….
He came to earth, to live, so He could die, so He could live once more. The death is not the point, but without the death, there would be no point. His resurrection is most important, yes, but the resurrection is impossible without death first. raspberry
So the song misses the point, but it is technically not incorrect.
*continues to ponder*

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